City Council Agendas
Regularly scheduled City Council meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 303 E. B Street. Meetings are broadcasted LIVE on OntarioTV and our local cable Channel 3.
To Provide Public Comment:
In Person: To address the City Council in person, please arrive early to fill out a blue comment card. Comment cards must be turned in prior to public comment beginning or before an agenda item is taken up. The Clerk will not accept comment cards after that time.
Online: You may submit your comments online by filling out a Public Comment Form no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting. You may also submit your comments by email no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting by emailing your name, agenda item you are commenting on and your comments to . All comments received by the deadline will be forwarded to the City Council for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
Mail: To submit your comments by mail, provide your name, agenda item you are commenting on, and your comments by mailing to Records Management, Ontario City Hall, 303 E. B Street, Ontario, CA 91764. Comments by mail must be received in the Records Management Department no later than 4:00 PM on the day of the meeting. Postmarks are not accepted. All comments received by the deadline will be provided to the City Council for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
Please note, residents have the option of mailing/emailing comments, filling out a blue comment card and speaking at the meeting in person, or both. However, mailing/emailing a comment does not replace the blue comment card if you wish to address City Council in person.