Historic Preservation Subcommittee
The Historic Preservation Subcommittee meetings are held at 5:30 PM every second Wednesday of the month.
Nancy DeDiemar, Planning Commissioner
Rick Gage, Subcommittee Chairman, Planning Commissioner
To Provide Public Comment:
COMMENT BY EMAIL: Submit your comments by email no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting by emailing your name, the agenda item you are commenting on, and your comments to planningdirector@ontarioca.gov . All comments received by the deadline will be forwarded to the Historic Preservation Subcommittee for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
COMMENT BY TELEPHONE: Submit your comments by telephone no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting by providing your name, the agenda item you are commenting on, and your comment by calling (909) 395-2036. All comments received by the deadline will be provided to the Historic Preservation Subcommittee for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
COMMENT BY MAIL: To submit your comments by mail, provide your name, the agenda item you are commenting on, and your comments by mailing to Planning Department, Ontario City Hall, 303 East “B” Street, Ontario, CA 91764. Comments by mail must be received in the Planning Department no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting. Postmarks are not accepted. All comments received by the deadline will be provided to the Historic Preservation Subcommittee for consideration before action is taken on the matter.