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Museum Board of Trustees

Museum Board of Trustees

Regularly scheduled Museum Board of Trustees meetings are held at 6 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Ontario Museum of History & Art.

To provide public comment, you must attend in-person. For more information, please contact (909) 395-2510 or visit the Ontario Museum of History & Art, located at 225 S. Euclid Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762.

Board of Trustees

  • Chris Kueng - President
  • Shannon Gerstheimer - President pro Tem
  • Rick Caughman - Member
  • Christian Garcia - Member
  • Jerry Weems - Member

More About the Museum Board of Trustees

The Ontario Museum of History & Art’s Board of Trustees was formed to provide citizen input on the direction and affairs of the Museum. Board responsibilities are focused on the overall strategic direction of the Museum and its programs. The Board meets on a monthly basis and the Museum Director and/or staff provide reports on the activities of the Museum, including information on upcoming exhibits, programs, and policies for Board input. Members of the Museum’s Board of Trustees should have an interest in Ontario’s rich history and/or contemporary art. Knowledge of any of the following areas is also helpful: education, local history, exhibition design, and collections management. Members are expected to represent the community and act in an advisory capacity to Museum staff as it relates to community engagement, exhibits, and programs.  

Areas of Responsibility:

  • Strategic Planning: Board members are expected to provide input on annual strategic goals and participate in a strategic planning committee every five years.
  • Collections: The Collections Committee is a standing committee, created by the Board of Trustees, with the authority to accept and decline proposals for acquisition, on behalf of the Board. The Committee has the responsibility to evaluate proposed items for acquisition or deaccession to the Permanent Collection and Education Resources Collection.
  • Policy Recommendations: The Board approves policies in a limited scope that are specific to the Museum, such as the Institutional Plan, Collections Management Policy, and Disaster Preparedness Plan.  The Board makes recommendations to the City Council on other policies.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes