Planning Commission
Regularly scheduled Planning Commission meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 303 E. B Street. Meetings will be broadcasted LIVE on OntarioTV.
There are seven (7) members that make up the Planning Commission. Currently, the following individuals serve on the Commission:
Nicola Ricci - Chairperson
Nancy DeDiemar - Vice Chairperson
Rick Gage
D'Andre Lampkin
Guadalupe Anderson
To Provide Public Comment:
COMMENT BY EMAIL: Submit your comments by email no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting by emailing your name, agenda item you are commenting on and your comments to . All comments received by the deadline will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
COMMENT BY TELEPHONE: Submit your comments by telephone no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting by providing your name, agenda item you are commenting on, and your comment by calling (909) 395-2036. All comments received by the deadline will be provided to the Planning Commission for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
COMMENT BY MAIL: To submit your comments by mail, provide your name, agenda item you are commenting on, and your comments by mailing to Planning Department, Ontario City Hall, 303 East “B” Street, Ontario, CA 91764. Comments by mail must be received in the Planning Department no later than 4 PM on the day of the meeting. Postmarks are not accepted. All comments received by the deadline will be provided to the Planning Commission for consideration before action is taken on the matter.
More About the Planning Commission
The Planning Commission provides community leadership on local planning and development policy. The Planning Commission plays a central role in the planning process in three important ways. First, it acts as an advisory board to the City Council on all planning and development issues. Second, the commission assures that the Policy Plan (general plan) is implemented by reviewing development applications on a case-by-case basis. Just as a building is built one brick at a time, The Planning Commission implements a community vision one project at a time. Third, the commission functions as the decision-making body for many entitlement proposals. A good Planning Commission must take the future seriously. To be a good Planning Commissioner requires commitment to ensuring a promising future of the community coupled with hard work, the patience to listen, and the willingness and ability to make decisions.
A good Planning Commissioner must have some understanding of the basic topics:
- What Planning is
- Zoning and Subdivision law
- The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
- Planning Commission procedures
- The authority and duties of the Planning Commission
- Legal aspects of Planning Commission conduct
- Standards for Planning Commission decision-making