City Council
Meet your Mayor and Council Members

Paul S. Leon

Alan D. Wapner
Mayor Pro Tem

Jim W. Bowman
Council Member

Debra Porada
Council Member

Daisy Macias
Council Member
The City of Ontario operates under the council-manager form of local government. The five members of the City Council are elected by the citizens as the legislative, policy-making branch of City government; and the City Manager is appointed by the City Council to implement policy and manage day-to-day operations. All Council Members serve at large and serve four-year terms. Every even-numbered year, either the Mayor and two Council Members or two Council Members, the City Clerk and City Treasurer stand for election. The Council Members also sit as the Commissioners of the Ontario Housing Authority.
Ontario residents are encouraged to attend City Council meetings. Residents who wish to address the Council may do so in accordance with the guidelines noted in the City Council agendas. City Council agendas are available online, at the City Clerk/Records Management Department or at the City Council Meetings.
City Council Meetings
The Ontario City Council meets at 6:30 PM on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Meeting times are displayed on the City Council agenda and held at the Ontario City Hall located at 303 East B Street. Special meetings and workshops are scheduled as needed.
Print and online versions of agendas for City Council meetings are available on the Friday preceding Council meetings at the City Clerk & Records Management Department and on the City website. Agendas of upcoming meetings are also posted at the entrance to City Hall.
The City Clerk prepares the minutes of the City Council and Ontario Housing Authority meetings.
City Council Broadcasts
Ontario residents with Spectrum or Frontier Communications service may watch live broadcasts of public City Council meetings held in the Council Chambers. The meetings are broadcast live on the government access channel (Channel 3) and will begin at the time listed on the Council agenda.
City Council Goals
- Invest in the Growth and Evolution of the City’s Economy
- Maintain the Current High Level of Public Safety
- Operate in a Businesslike Manner
- Pursue City's Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Governmental Agencies
- Focus Resources in Ontario's Commercial and Residential Neighborhoods
- Invest in the City's Infrastructure (Water, Streets, Sewers, Parks, Storm Drains and Public Facilities)
- Encourage, Provide or Support Enhanced Recreational, Educational, Cultural and Healthy City Programs, Policies and Activities
- Ensure the Development of a Well Planned, Balanced, and Self-Sustaining Community in Ontario Ranch
Ontario Elected Officials Continued

Sheila Mautz
City Clerk

James R. Milhiser
City Treasurer