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The Ontario Plan

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Welcome to the Ontario Plan

The Ontario Plan 2050 logo

The Ontario Plan is a dynamic Framework for sustained, comprehensive leadership in building our community.  It integrates components of city governance that are typically disconnected.  The Plan states community direction at a point in time (2020) and integrates it into a single guidance system that will shape the Ontario community 20 years or more into the future (2050).  The Ontario Plan provides for lasting policies to accommodate change. 


It consists of a six part Component Framework: 

1. Vision

2. Governance Manual

3. Policy Plan (General Plan)

4. City Council Priorities

5. Implementation

6. Tracking and Feedback

Ontario Plan Framework

The Ontario Plan is a dynamic framework for sustained, comprehensive leadership in building our community.  It integrates components of city governance documents that are typically disconnected. The Plan states community direction at a point in time (2020) and integrates it into a single guidance system that will shape the Ontario community 20 years or more into the future. The Ontario Plan provides for lasting policies to accommodate change.  It consists of a Vision, Governance ManualPolicy PlanCity Council PrioritiesImplementation Plans and Tracking and Feedback.

The Ontario Plan slide showing Feedback Loop and other plan components

Approvals and Amendments

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