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Environmental Resources

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Ontario’s environmental resources are an integral part of our maturing City and are valued for the benefits they provide. 

Appropriately managed, they reduce health risks for residents and workers, lower energy and water costs, safeguard our water assets, and protect our environment. The systems that convey and treat water and waste, generate and distribute energy, promote beneficial air quality, and protect natural resources are essential to Ontario’s health and prosperity. Ontario will manage resources comprehensively, utilizing natural and man-made systems that are both environmentally and economically sustainable.

Meeting growth demands in Ontario, however, requires careful treatment of our land, water, air and energy—not as disposable goods but as essential commodities and capital assets.

Particular focus must be given to improving the conditions and opportunities for those residents that face the highest risk of exposure to pollution and are also burdened by socioeconomic and health issues. These residents are considered to be disadvantaged and live in environmental justice areas. Our Vision and Principles throughout the Policy Plan reinforce the City’s commitment to enabling all persons to enjoy equal access to healthy environments, healthy foods, parks and recreational facilities, and civic engagement opportunities. Although this Element includes a number of policies and a map that addresses the topic of environmental justice, the City has opted for an “environmental justice in all policies” approach to ensure the topic is present alongside the multitude of issues and topics that affect our residents and resources.


The Environmental Resources Element:

  • Defines the ethic to guide management of the City’s environmental resources.

  • Establishes goals for Environmental Infrastructure.

  • Maps environmental justice areas

  • Establishes policies that support system integration, resource conservation and regeneration, energy independence, environmental justice, and healthy communities.


The City believes:

  • Quality design of the physical environment includes vigilant stewardship of the City’s environmental resources.    
  • Efficient backbone infrastructure systems should be multifunctional, strategically sited, sustainably designed, and integrated into the urban fabric.   
  • Commitment to the development and maintenance of our environmental infrastructure ensures community prosperity.  
  • Environmental infrastructure is a critical public investment.   
  • Every resident of Ontario should have the opportunity to live in a community that is healthy and safe.
  • High-quality environmental resources are integral building blocks of the community.    
  • Ecosystems improve public health and contribute significantly to the City’s overall economic vitality.    
  • In order to protect our environmental resources, we must make wise decisions regarding the use of these resources.
  • Protecting environmental resources is the responsibility of individuals, communities, the region, and the world.

Environmental Resources Element Section