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Planning Applications & Resources

Dear Applicants, 

In an effort to improve customer service and ensure development projects are processed as quickly as possible, the Planning Department finds it necessary to remind its clients that complete application submittals are crucial to the plan review process. In the past, accepting incomplete applications has led to errors and time delays at the end of the review process. I do not want this to happen to you.

Consequently, the Planning Department staff will only accept complete applications at time of submittal. All items requested by this application packet, along with the required filing fee, must be provided before the Planning Department counter staff can accept your application for filing. Please review all minimum requirements prior to submitting your application, as counter staff do not have the authority to waive any requirements. As a courtesy, prior to a formal application submittal, applicants are welcome to schedule a meeting with the Planning Department for the purposes of confirming all minimum filing requirements are provided.

Please remember that failure to provide all of the required plans and information may result in significant time delays in the processing of your application. If you have any questions regarding the necessity of any particular item required by this application packet, please feel free to contact the Planning Department to discuss your questions.

The Planning Department looks forward to a continued efficient and professional relationship with you in the future. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact the Planning Department at (909) 395-2036 or via email at PlanningCounter@ontarioca.gov.



Henry K. Noh

Planning Director