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Ontario International Airport – Inter Agency Collaborative (ONT-IAC)
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Ontario International Airport – Inter Agency Collaborative (ONT-IAC)

Ontario International Airport – Inter Agency Collaborative

The Ontario International Airport – Inter Agency Collaborative (ONT-IAC) was formed to insure that new development is compatible with the Ontario International Airport (ONT) Influence Area (AIA). The ONT-IAC implements the policies and criteria of the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) to prevent future incompatible land uses surrounding ONT and minimizing the public’s exposure to excessivie noise and safety hazards. The ALUCP does not address existing incompatible land uses and does not place any restrictions on the airport or its flight operations.

ONT-IAC is represented by all agencies affected by existing and future airport impacts and administered by the City of Ontario. It’s members include representatives from the County of San Bernardino and the cities of Chino, Fontana, Montclair, Ontario, Rancho Cucamonga, and Upland.

This inter-agency partnership works to protect the public, health, safety and welfare and fulfill state requirements to protect the airport from encroachment of incompatible lans uses and protect the areas around the airport from environmental impacts.

ONT-IAC Administration Contact Information

The City of Ontario Planning Department is responsible for the administration of the ONT-IAC. Please refer any questions or inquiries to:

Planning Department 

303 East "B" Street 

Ontario, CA 91764 

Phone: (909) 395-2036 

Email: PlanningCounter@ontarioca.gov  

ONT-IAC Member AgenciesResources