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Municipal Utilities Company

The Ontario Municipal Utilities Company (OMUC) provides safe, efficient, and economical production, transmission and distribution of the City's domestic water supply and uninterrupted wastewater collection services with an emphasis on excellent customer service, sustainability, and environmental stewardship.

Latest and Important Announcements

The City of Ontario proudly announces that its water service lines are lead-free. The City used building records, data from improvement projects, and performed field investigations on customers’ meter boxes to verify its water service lines are lead-free.


Progress being made for Citywide Water Main Project.

Completed Citywide Water Main Improvement Project

In October 2024, work was completed on a citywide water main improvements at multiple locations throughout the City. This consisted of the replacement of 2-inch, 4-inch, 6-inch, and 8-inch diameter pipe using approximately 12,000 lineal feet of 8-inch and 4,000 lineal feet of 12-inch diameter pipe, which is equivalent to over three miles of new pipeline. The work also included the installation of water appurtenances; installation of water service laterals and connection to new water meters; making multiple water main connections at various street intersections and pavement repairs and street restoration.