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Sheila Mautz

City Clerk

Current Term
December 2024 - December 2028

City Clerk Sheila Mautz was first appointed to the Ontario City Council in 2005. She was later elected to the City Council in 2008. Her prior city involvement includes serving as a Planning Commissioner for over 15 years as well as the Public Works Overview Committee.

Mrs. Mautz has represented Ontario on two regional water boards: The Inland Empire Utilities Agency Regional Policy Committee and the Chino Basin Desalter Authority. She has also served on the Countywide Gangs and Drugs Task Force (still attends meetings as a concerned resident/council member), San Bernardino County Environmental Health Services Board of Appeals, and Ontario Police Museum Board of Directors. She was a member of C.A.S.T. / I.E. (Coalition Against Sexual Trafficking - Inland Empire Division), the Part 150 Study, the Inland Empire Landscape Alliance Task Force, and the Chino Valley Unified School District- Measure M Committee.

City Clerk Mautz has always been very active in many local community organizations. She is a member of the Ontario Kiwanis Noon Club, Ontario Heritage (Docent for the Ontario Heritage Home Tours), Mercy House fundraising committee, Crime Stoppers, YMCA Membership Committee, Chaffey High School Renaissance Committee, founding member of NeighborNet, she has volunteered twice on the organizing committee for the California State Games and the organizing committee for the Goodwill Games, the American Red Cross fundraising committee, and is active in the American Cancer Society Walk For Life.

In addition to the community involvement mentioned above, City Clerk Mautz was recognized in 2007 by Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod as the 1st Woman of the Year for State Senate District 32. And, in 2012 was named Woman of the Year by the Girl Scouts of America for her outstanding leadership and role model for all girls. And for her efforts was awarded a lifetime membership in the National Girl Scouts organization.

City Clerk Mautz has been a resident of Ontario for 30 years. She is married and has three children.

Contact City Clerk Sheila Mautz

headshot of City Clerk Sheila Mautz